Horizon Blue
HORIZON BLUE is an acoustic Americana (folk, country and blue grass) musical group. Our performances are family friendly, conversational, and inviting.
The original and well-known songs we perform have a storytelling aspect and are well received by audiences of all ages.
Horizon Blue features Monique Hill (vocals, guitar, mandolin, banjo and dulcimer), Peter Hill (guitar and mandolin), Mark Annulli (bass) and Rich Johnson (dobro). Monique is the principal songwriter. Monique's songwriting credits include a charting international release in England, Germany, and Japan.
Horizon Blue has performed widely through the state, including The Packing House opening for Tom Rush, the Durham Fair, The Big E, Town of Middletown Concerts on the Green, Town of Cromwell Concerts on the Green, Windsor Shad Derby, Connecticut Audubon Eagle Festival, Town of Wethersfield Corn Festival, Town of Windsor Locks Anniversary Celebration, Coventry Acoustic April, and Town of Newington Waterfall Festival, and at cultural venues such as the Wadsworth Atheneum, New Britain Museum of American Art, Mark Twain House, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Connecticut Historical Society, Hicks Stern Museum, Willimantic Northeast Railroad Museum, Hartford Hospital, Avon Public Library, and New London Art Center.